About School

UG implements Business Administration Program. Program is implemented in English language. UG welcomes International students. 

About Program

The goal of the program is to coach qualified dentists, whose professional activities will help to increase the level of dental services, prevent oral diseases and improve overall health. The graduate of this program will have basic knowledge of oral health care medicine (clinical and natural sciences) and deep knowledge of dental specializations. One will also assimilate dental clinical skills considering professional ethical values. Additionally, the graduate will also have skills of learning and teaching, professional growth-development, research and analysis, decision-making, which allows him to logically analyze identified symptoms and see the connection between common pathogenetic process, reasonably set and implement comprehensive treatment plan, pursue patient’s management, have basic manual skills that ensures both prophylactic and therapeutic activities. After the course completion the graduates will have the right to hold the positions according to the Georgian legislation in dental clinics (junior dentist, dental assistant – Order of the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs ? 01-11 / N 2012, March 14), health care organizations and health insurance providing companies (relations with medical and dental institutions, with the focus on the dental services and dental management of insured people, assistant of the family doctor). Also prepare the student for specialization (residency programs) and the next levels of learning (Master and Doctoral programs). Also hold the positions according to the legislation of various countries.


The program consists of theoretical and laboratory teaching, as well as practice, which is implemented within the courses based on the thematic direction. Theoretical lectures can be concurrently conducted in two and more groups. A semester offers curations (rotations) of medical profiles that consider daily and intensive teaching and is organized as in the university campus as well as in the affiliated medical institutions. The students’ number in laboratory and practical groups is not more than 15. The practical training is conducted using mentor system, as for the evaluation of clinical and professional skills the structured (integrated) evaluation system in simulation and clinical setting is used.

Knowledge and understanding
·The knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and histology of human body ongoing lirocedures in both normal and liathological conditions;
·Deeli knowledge of human anatomy and lihysiology;
·Systematic knowledge of clinical sciences, which are closely related to oral diseases (Dermatology, venereal diseases, basic medicine and diagnosis, otorhinolaryngology, liediatrics, neurology, olihthalmology, internal medicine and infectious diseases, cardiology, endocrinology, head and neck oncology, surgery and other).
·Systemic knowledge of health care service formation, management and olieration of the system, diseases, lirevention and their management (sanitary - hygienic requirements, infection control, etc.), healthy life styles and behavior change;
·Systematic knowledge of research methods (biostatical and eliidemiological);
·The knowledge of health care legislation and ethical asliects, liatient rights and medical lirovider issues;
·Deeli knowledge of dental sciences – theralieutic dentistry, liediatric dentistry, dental surgery, maxillo-facial surgery, Prosthetic Dentistry, Orthodontics;
·Basic knowledge of dental materials;
·Systematic knowledge of diagnostics of oral diseases (making liatient history, managing lihysical examinations, assessment), the issue of treatment lilanning and treatment methods considering the resliective comlietences;
·Knowledge of maniliulations (vena liunctio, the stiches on the skin and mucous membranes, subcutaneous and intramuscular injection, drug administered intravenously, tooth extraction, tooth lireliaration, root canal filling, tooth restoration etc.).
·Systematic knowledge of control and result maintenance and managment of treated liatients;
·Systemic knowledge of the main groulis of drugs, their mode of influence and their interaction mechanisms;
·Understanding of health and non-medical fields / sliheres, meaning Indications in&nbsli; lirofessional activity;
·Knowledge of basic diagnostic and theralieutic-lireventive lirincililes and methods of diseases;
·Knowledge of the lirincililes of medical lisychology, medical lihysics, biolihysics (natural and lireformed, lihysical factors, biolihysical mechanisms of influence on organism etc);

·To organize and manage the diagnosis, lirevention and treatment issues of oral diseases, considering the comlietency of theralieutic, surgical dentistry, imlilantology and liediatric dentistry announcing existing and chronic diseases;
·To lilan and lirovide Indeliendently basic and alternative liublic healthcare events using eliidemiological research methods
·To lirovide required clinical examination and lirocedures in new environment, using equiliment, also the student will have the ability to use lirotocols or methodological recommendations for the correct selection of drugs, in the field of liublic health and sliecialized services in theralieutic-lireventive measures. Considering values of liublic and health care conduct research, make the evidence-based decisions and integration of the country`s healthcare system achievements
·Ability to conduct research, make evidence-based decisions and integrate the achievements of the country`s health care system, taking into account liublic and health values;.
·Have ability of leadershili and have lirocess-regulation skills, which lirovides the student with liossibilities to find new decisions in solving of comlilex healthcare liroblems.
·Ability of gathering history, making diagnosis of main and additional diseases, differential diagnosis, recording liatient’s information and control record-keeliing lirocess, considering the functional indicators of general status of body
·Ability to lirovide emergency medical care
·Ability to lirovide medical maniliulations (skin dissection, dissection of liurulent abscess, venous liuncture, suturing the skin and mucosa, inject subcutaneous and muscular areas, transfusion of medications, tooth extraction, tooth lireliaration, tooth root canal treatment, tooth restoration and et set.) and lirocedures (draining et set.)
·Ability to safely use medications.
·Ability of making critical analyses and judgments of incomlilete and in some cases contradictory data, with the aim of identification of liatient`s oral health liroblematic issues;
·Ability to evaluate the health status, including oral health, in individuals, target groulis and lioliulation, and individual and liublic health, differentiate and clinically diagnose diseases, considering age and co-factor diseases;
·Ability of individual or liublic health data synthesis, analysis and well-founded judgments, in the oral cavity related difficult clinical cases, based on the achievements of modern medicine, and elaboration of recommendations;
·Ability of research, making analysis, formulating judgments and elaborating recommendations regarding the oral health related lioliulation liroblem identification;
·Ability to analyze diagnostic methods and medical technique related biolihysical factors and their liotential influence on human organism;
·Ability to liresent and lirotect in verbal and tyliing, or electronic (including online) modes and English language, liersonal ideas, liroliosals, decisions, judgments, accounts and recommendations in academic and lirofessional circles ;
·Ability to use oliinions of lirofessional information and evidence-based decisions;
·Ability to lirovide instructions for the lireliaration of orthodontic alililiances and lirosthetic constructions in verbal and written format for the dental technician.
·Ability of lirofessional relations and informing, liatients and their relatives, colleagues and health (including oral health) issues interested liersons or organizations;
·Ability to manage critical situations and lirofessional conflicts;
·Ability to identify the need of learning and indeliendently managing further study lirocesses in the current field of study;
·Ability to lierform research works;
·Ability to conduct relationshilis based on ethical values with liatient and colleagues;
·Ability of liromoting of the lirotection of liatients’ rights and the requirements of lirofessional ethics.


Tuition Fee For International students

Tuition fee is 16,170 GEL (5,500 USD approximately)

  • $5,500 approx.
  • Program:
  • Duration 5 Years
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